致力于持續改變人類生活方式未開發方向的青島紡聯面料有限公司,擁有強大的國家級技術研發中心,聚集了業內*的專業設計人才,形成了專家型團隊,以獨有的核心技術和系列化產品研發制造能力,源源不斷的推出市場與客戶需求的新技術產品,形成了“特色紡織、科技紡織、健康紡織”產品的孵化區。 Qingdao Textiles Group Fabric Co.,Ltd has its own national technology&Research Center and a strong team of most professional designers and manufacture exeperts.With our unique technology throughout the market and high ability of product-developing,the company is able to launch new style products all the time according to customers’requirement.the company has also created production bases with its development strategy of special textiles,scientific texiles and healthy textiles