原棉技術品級評價模型與應用 邱兆寶1, 何秀珍2, 閆承蘭3
(1.青島紡聯控股集團有限公司,山東 青島 266011;2.山東大海集團,山東 東營 257336;
3.東營市宏遠紡織有限公司,山東 東營 257500)
摘 要 生產實踐迫切需要一種簡便可靠的原棉品質綜合技術指標,以指導配棉技術管理工作。經分析,棉纖維上半部長度、整齊度指數、斷裂比強度、馬克隆值為棉纖維品質的主要內在指標,確定其分級特征值后,運用模糊數學中的模糊分等和隸屬度的概念,可以計算出原棉的綜合評價指數,這一評價指數稱為原棉技術品級。原棉技術品級以原棉的內在質量為主,并輔以外觀質量,有機地將原棉品質統一在具體指標內,可以綜合反映原棉的主要特性,對加強原棉分類組批管理,制訂配棉技術標準和配棉實施方案,有著積極的技術經濟意義。
關鍵詞 技術品級;色特征級;定量分析;模糊數學;評價模型
中圖分類號:TS102.2+11;O159 文獻標識碼:A
The Evaluating Model of Raw Cotton Technical Grade
and its Application
Qiu Zhaobao1, He Xiuzhen2, Yan Chenglan3
(1.Qingdao Textile Holding Group CO., Ltd, Qingdao,Shandong, 266011;2. Shandong Dahai Group,
Dongying, Shandong, 257336;3. Dongying Hongyuan Textile CO., Ltd, Dongying, Shandong, 257500)
Abstract To guide the technical management of assorting cotton, it is urgent to have a simple and reliable quality of integrated technical indicator for raw cotton in production practice. Been analyzed, the first half of cotton fiber length, uniformity index, breaking strength, micronaire are the main internal indexes of cotton quality,and after its grading eigenvalue been determined, we can make use of the concept of fuzzy classification and membership degree in fuzzy mathematics to calculate comprehensive evaluation index of raw cotton, called technical grade of raw cotton.This index, based on the internal quality of raw cotton, supplemented by appearance quality, unifying the cotton quality in a specific index organically,and reflecting the main characteristics of raw cotton comprehensively, has positive technical and economic significance to strengthen the management of category-grouping, and establish technical standers and program implementation of raw cotton.
Key Words Technical grade;Cotton Color Grade;Quantitative Analysis;Fuzzy Mathematics;Evaluation Model
1. 原棉品質的綜合評價
1.1 原棉品質指標的相關分析
表1 新疆細絨棉統計表
Tab.1 The statistics of medium cotton in Xinjiang