e the Oeko-Tex Standard 100 offer the consumer?
國際環保紡織標準100是世界上著名的紡織品生態環保標簽。標有該標簽的產品,經由國際知名的紡織鑒定機構對其進行了有害物質及人體生態優化的測試和認證,對消費者的健康有保證。 The Oeko-Tex Standard 100 is the world’s leading label for texities screened for harmful substances. Products awarded this mark have been optimized for human ecology and tested and certificated by internationally recognized textile institutes. Textiles bearing this label are good for your well-being. 要確認標簽印有測試號碼和測試機構名稱。 測試編號可用來追蹤該證書的認證過程。 國際環保紡織標準標簽是世界范圍內注冊的標簽,受馬德里公約保護。 Make sure that the test number is quoted and the test institute is named. The test number can be used to trace the particular certification process which was carried out. The Oeko-Tex label is a registered trademark, protected in international law by the Madrid Agreement. 國際環保紡織協會是由歐洲和日本的15家知名的紡織檢定機構組成。該協會在30多個國家都設有分支機構和代表處。各成員機構都兼備紡織測試領域和化學分析領域的經驗,同時都掌握人類生態學、服裝生理學以及相關領域的知識,除了承擔Oeko-Tex Standard 100的測試和認證工作,他們還擔當著進一步研究、發展和完善 Oeko-Tex Standard 100的任務。 An association of 15 well-known textile, testing and research institutes in Europe and Japan. There are branches and representatives in more than 30 countries. The member institutes of the Oeko-Tex Association are jointly responsible for the countries development of the Oeko-Tex Standard 100. Technical expertise about textile production and sci |